Process Control

Van Kempen Koudetechniek has in-house facilities for refrigeration system automation. We distinguish between the operating and control engineering of the system and the visualisation of its functioning and performance.
Operating and control engineering ensure the optimal functioning of the system at as low as possible energy and maintenance costs. A structural energy savings of around 20% is more the rule than the exception.
Our computer programmes ICE-Star and VK-visual make the refrigeration process information visible clearly and unambiguously. In addition to receiving information, it is also possible to change the process settings via the computer. ICE-Star PLC software has a modular design. The streamlined management of the refrigeration unit requires a structured design of the software modules. The modules link up seamlessly, making it easy to enter specific preferences, resulting in complete customisation.
We can also replace the control system in existing units. The implementation of the software can take place at any time, even when the system is in operation. Users will not be inconvenienced by the implementation process in any way and will be thrilled with the new performance. A structural energy savings in your current system of around 20% is more the rule than the exception.
By using an Internet connection, Van Kempen can provide remote support for your refrigeration unit. You can also personally monitor and operate your system remotely. 
